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Advertising terms and conditions

Please note:  In booking any advertising you are agreeing to these terms and conditions

All advertising

  • Cleared funds or card payments required in advance of advertising campaigns beginning
  • Invoices remain payable regardless of whether the advertising proceeds
  • Booked dates are firm dates
  • All fees are subject to VAT
  • Fees required by agencies must be added by them onto any prices quoted by Cherry
  • Tracking, counting or measurement devices must be supplied by your IT team
  • Companies advertising are in no way endorsed by Cherry
  • You agree to the removal of 'spam' words from your advertisement

In proceeding with any advertising you accept that responsibility in respect of results achieved e.g. in terms of numbers of people clicking on links, is entirely within your control as the advertiser and is dependent on interest in the offering, strength of the advertisement message, brand awareness and trust etc. and that no responsibility whatever attaches to Cherry

Site Advertising

Random display operates in some cases and Cherry may display up to 3 adverts in any space where tenancy bookings are made.

Please contact us for booking details and further information.